
Your questions
... our answers!

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The group of people taking care of the dog was designed so that there must always be a “main person” of the group. Only this “admin” can also register and manage the dog. That makes perfect sense, because this “main person” is also the owner of the dog and therefore has all relevant data for the registration at hand.

With the current version, this is not possible – but we are already working on it. But there is a trick how you can still manage two or more dogs with the app:
  1. Enter all the names of the dogs, e.g. “Buddy, Mimmie, and Asko”;
  2. take a picture of your dogs together;
  3. as breed select the default “mixed breed medium”;
  4. select “male” as the gender, unless they are all “female”;
  5. Select the birth date of the youngest dog;
  6. and select the character of the dog that is least active;
  7. Done! It’s not perfect but it works;
but beware: Because of this special way, the app can’t handle all breed- and age-specific characteristics. Certain hints and warnings may be lost as a result.

At the start of the app there are already over 100 dog breeds available and with each update there will be more. If the breed of your dog is not available, please select the appropriate size from the “Mixed breeds” pre-selection area, which works pretty well. If you like, please email us at to let us know which breed we missed. So maybe we can surprise you with the next update and make you a little happier.

Doganizer! has been set up in such a way that there is one “main person”, an admin, who is responsible for all the binding activities, like registering the dog, making payments, or inviting the other members to join this group. Additional family members, friends, or other persons or users of the app, who are allowed and want to take care of the dog, can only be invited by this “admin”. To invite friends or users, you need a subscription!

If you have been invited to look after the dog together, you cannot invite any other friends yourself. But of course you can suggest another friend. Talk to the “main person”, the admin, and ask him to invite another friend. This way, the owner of the dog always keeps track of who is taking care of his pet.

The app can be used by an „infinite“ (UNLIMITED) number of users. This means you can invite as many additional friends as you like to take care of the dog together. For this you need a subscription. The subscriptions are available as in-app purchases in the menu under „My subscription“. Before you can invite someone, choose the subscription that best suits you and your life situation and you‘re ready to go.

You can kick a buddy out again. With a long press on the buddy picture in the „Dashboard“, you can delete a user from the group that looks after your dog. And bye ;-)

No. You can use the Doganizer! app “fully” for free as a single user. However, there are some functions that you do not need as a single user – therefore, they are not available to you. For example, the invitation and notification system are disabled when you are using the app for free. To invite other people, friends, or users and to share the app with your friends, you need a subscription!

One pays for all – I guess you could say that. Only the “main person”, the owner or keeper of the dog, pays. He is also the only one who can invite other friends or users. All invited persons or users pay nothing. In a family this may be quite normal. In a group, such as a shared apartment or office coworkers, it may seem strange to some at first but upon closer consideration it makes sense. When we designed the Doganizer! app, we assumed that a group can always take better care of a dog than an individual. Who hasn’t been in this situation? An appointment suddenly comes up or a meeting is running long, or, or ... there are always situations where the owner (i.e., the main person responsible for the dog) does not make it on time to walk the dog. With its innovative notification system, Doganizer! is the perfect solution for these situations. It can quickly alert “many” to help the “one”, the owner of the dog. So from our point of view, it’s only fair that the owner pays for the Doganizer! app alone. This way, the owner also always keeps control over who is allowed to take care of “his” dog. Also, within the group that cares for a dog, there are many ways to compensate for the fee, no matter who paid for the app. To invite other people, friends, or users and to share the app with your friends, you need a subscription!

Yes and no ... is currently the best answer. It is possible, but it is not that simple. A user currently has to sign up and log in with a separate account for each “group” he is invited to. This means he needs two different email addresses. To participate in the respective group, the user always has to register again accordingly. This is certainly not perfect, but it works. If the user is selected as a “substitute” for a walk, he will only receive notifications if he has logged in with his corresponding account in the Doganizer! app. We are already working on making this procedure much simpler.

Again, yes and no is the best answer. It is possible, but currently it is not that simple. A user currently has to sign up and log in with a separate account for each “group” he has been invited to. That means he has to register twice using two different email addresses. To participate in the respective group, the user always has to register again accordingly. This works but is of course a “little” complex! We are already working on simplifying this process significantly.

Of course not. Our guidelines and hints are recommendations that should help you make the walks with your dog easier and healthier as well as easier to organize. However, we basically assume that no one knows your dog as well as you do. Your breeder and your veterinarian are the places to go for all questions about your pet. But the internet isn’t always the best resource.

The idea of the last round is to delay the next morning for an hour or two by taking a short walk at night, especially on weekends. From my own experience as a long-time dog owner, this works very well. Your sweet dog is clearly “more relaxed”, if you take him for a brief 15-minute walk in the evening before going to bed. Of course, the whole thing works is easier to pull off in the summer than in winter, when it gets dark early. However, you gain so much from sleeping in, so that it is also worthwhile in winter. Just give it a shot! By the way, this “last” walk is outside the systemic time calculation and therefore does not affect the other guidelines.

We want to make it easy for new and experienced dog owners alike to plan and organize healthy walks. Suggestions (the light gray transparent areas in the calendar) are recommendations when and how long you should walk your dog. You can hide or show them. The suggestions you see have been tailored exactly to your dog. Based on breed, age, and character, the app calculates the perfect walk duration, the optimal distribution of walks throughout the day, and ideal breaks between walks. Of course, you can also customize each suggestion. Using an “easy to understand” traffic light system allows you to always plan each individual walk “perfectly”.

There could be two reasons for this. First, the suggestions in the calendar could be hidden. Then you can “show suggestions” at the bottom of the calendar view. The second reason could be that your dog still has puppy status. We have decided not to create and show suggestions during puppy time. Special rules apply for puppies that couldn’t be more different for each individual dog. Nevertheless, we will support you in planning your “puppy walks” and suggest the perfect duration for each walk. Please do not overdo it in the first months of your puppy’s life. Increase the intervals for your little sweetie carefully.

Your dog is still a puppy – a baby dog! That means his bones, ligaments, and joints are growing rapidly over the next few months and have to develop slowly. Increase the intervals carefully. Increasing the time by 5 minutes each month is enough! Overloading during puppy years, along with genetic predisposition, is the most common cause of hip and elbow problems (HD/ED) later on. Different breeds have different puppy periods, and it takes different amounts of time for them to fully develop. Small breeds of dogs grow up earlier than large breeds. This is precisely where the problem lies, because puppies of very large breeds actually already look quite “adult”. But beware: They are still puppies! Also keep in mind that your dog wants and needs to sleep a lot. Give your dog the necessary rest and time for himself. So many new impressions need to be processed first. There are a few simple rules:
  • Don’t leave your little puppy alone for long periods of time during the first few months. Keep an eye on him. You are now his new pack, his new family!
  • Take the puppy out for a walk more often in the beginning. Every 30 to 60 minutes. After his nap is the perfect time to go out briefly.
  • Do not go too long! In the first month of life, 5 minutes are quite enough.
  • Increase the intervals carefully. As a rule of thumb, by 5 minutes every month.
  • Do not let your puppy climb stairs! Always carry him/her up and down the stairs during these early months.
  • Puppy school is perfect for your little pooch. Playing with peers is allowed – but be careful with larger dogs.
  • Make sure toddlers don’t play too roughly with the new family member.
  • No biking! Unless your dog rides in a basket.
Doganizer! will let you know when your dog has outgrown his puppy protection status.

Our notification system automatically organizes walks with your dog among invited users (family and friends). This is a core feature of the Doganizer! app, which makes it really easy to coordinate who will walk your dog, when, and for how long. When you create the appointments in the calendar, you have the option to designate a “substitute person”. This person will step in if you as the “main person” responsible for the walk are suddenly in a bind. We’ve all been there: In our hectic everyday life and work, something suddenly comes up. The meeting takes longer, you’re stuck in traffic, or you simply forget the time. In the past, trying to figure out who is now walking the dog was a nerve-wracking affair. Who has spontaneously time? Countless phone calls? And often enough your little dog had to take the blame for some mishaps at home. Our notification system is the perfect remedy. It automatically monitors the times and reminds everyone involved of the appointment. It manages all possible options independently. This way, nothing goes wrong at home and the carpet is saved. All involved parties are relaxed, and the pooch is also fine. Note: The notification system is only activated if you have also selected a “substitute person” when you set up the walk event. In other words, you must select a person for the question “Who will fill in?”. You will not receive notifications if you are responsible for the walk alone. It happens from time to time that a dog runs away or loses orientation.

Our statistics give a quick overview of who has walked the dog for how long and who has done the best job. This person is then awarded the "favourite" of the week or month by Doganizer!. Our system does not simply reward the person who walked the dog the longest, but the person who walked the dog for exactly the right amount of time.

Our statistical records begin when the first appointment is made in the calendar. If you forget to record a walk, you can update it via the archive (found in the app menu). Simply click on the "plus" at the top left and select the time and duration of the walk and save it.

You also have the option of "resetting" the complete statistics, i.e. setting them to zero. From this moment on, a new era begins for all "buddies". A reset can only be carried out by the main person responsible for the app. A reset is useful if you have simply forgotten to record walks for too long and there is too great a discrepancy between the optimum walk duration and the actual duration. This is demotivating and no fun in the long run, because you can't make up for lost time.

In the comments on the app you can see that our plan is working, that especially children in the family feel encouraged by this function to take care of the dog "more regularly".

In the Doganizer! settings we added a special section for this situation under: “Settings/Dog Profile/Safety Profile”. If you have already carefully entered all your dog data, you can start right away – if not, you can always adjust the dog data in the app! From the “Dog Profile/Safety Profile” section, you can react very quickly if your pooch goes missing. With one click you can send a “lost dog” poster (search note) by email. Now you can print the PDF or send it digitally via SMS or WhatsApp or ... to a mailing list. Under “Dog profile/Security profile” you will also find all your details to TASSO, which are very helpful for a quick identity check, if your dog was found.

First things first: All data belongs to you and will never be sold to third parties in any form. All data will be stored in a protected environment. Your data will only be stored and used within the applications of the Doganizer! app. All partners that are involved to fulfill our tasks have also committed to keep the data secure; they also undertake to be careful and not to disclose any data to third parties. We act fully within the framework of the European data protection directives. You can find more information about privacy policies in our Doganizer! app under Menu/Legal or on our website:

The first question you need to answer is: Do I look after my dog alone or with others, such as family members and/or friends? If you take care of your dog alone, you don't need a subscription and can use the app for free. If you take care of your dog together as a family or in an office community, the Doganizer! app helps you to automate certain processes and arrangements. To invite additional users, friends or "buddies" as we call them, you need a subscription. With a subscription you can invite as many "buddies" as you like, i.e. "UNLIMITED". All of them together can take care of the dog. Taking care of your dog together makes it easier.

If you decide to subscribe, you can choose between two subscription models. You can choose between a monthly or annual subscription. The subscription price for the monthly term is EUR 2.99 and for the use for a whole year EUR 17.99. With the annual use you save 49% compared to the monthly subscription.

Our recommendation: Start with the monthly subscription and put Doganizer! through its paces. If you like the app, opt for the annual subscription. Here you save real money compared to the monthly subscription!

All prices in Euro may differ in other countries and may be changed at any time.
If you purchase a Doganizer! subscription, payment will be charged to your Apple ID account upon purchase confirmation. The subscription will automatically renew if it is not cancelled at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. Your account will be charged for renewal within 24 hours before the end of the current period. You can manage and cancel your subscriptions by going to your account settings in the Apple App Store after purchase.
For more information on our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, please visit our Doganizer! app under Menu/Legal or our website:

Camera: We access the camera and photos to use photos for profile pictures. If you do not use these options, permission will not be requested. You can revoke this permission at any time on your iPhone in the settings.
Push notifications: We use notifications to remind you about dog walks and to coordinate them optimally among invited users. You can revoke this permission at any time on your iPhone in the settings.

If there is a question left unanswered here, please email our service team directly with your inquiry. Here is the link: We will try to get back to you within 48 hours. Suggestions like “What we could do differently/better” are also always welcome. We also have a lot of ideas and are looking forward to making the Doganizer! app better, more beautiful, and easier. As of June 2021, we are currently at version 1.0 – still at the very beginning of a hopefully long and interesting journey with our Doganizer! app as well as you and of course your pooch. We wish you and your dog a great and loving time together. And we hope you continue to enjoy using our Doganizer! app.